Magic Europe reloaded

Magic Europe reloaded Finished in: 02/2020 | Customer: GYIÖT | Task: Logo, Infopack, Web Design & Development About the project MagicEurope reloaded is a fictional state, created during an 8-sided youth exchange between 03-11. August 2019. I was one of the lucky ones who could take part in the program as well. Check out what […]

Te döntesz!

Te döntesz! Finished in: 2019 | Customer: Támaszpont MOPKA | Task: Web Design & Development, Logo and brand identity, X-banner, Leaflet, Business card, Online event poster About the project The Public Youth House of Veresegyház, the Drug Coordination Forum of Veresegyház and the Logo Theater Company joint drug prevention theater education program. The team of […]

Támaszpont MOPKA

Támaszpont MOPKA Finished in: 2019-2020 | Customer: Támaszpont MOPKA | Task: Logo and Brand identity, Name cards, Website elements, Website development, Leaflet, Events’ poster – online and offline, Roll-up About the project The goal of Támaszpont MOPKA (Támaszpont Public Foundation of Mental Health, Education and Prevention) is to empower youth to achieve their fullest potential […]


Youthtainability Finished in: 06/2019 | Customer: GYIÖT | Task: Web Design & Development, Infopack, Online books About the project The main aim of the project is to fully explore the role of youth work in rural areas in making local youngsters really feel home in their town, thus reducing their migration from small towns to […]

Facilitation Academy

Facilitation Academy Finished in: 02/2020 | Customer: GYIÖT | Task: Web Design & Development About the project Facilitation Academy is an educational program of the Federation of Children’s and Youth Municipal Councils. This program aims to provide supervised learning process for participants with relatively lack of experience in facilitating group learning processes. I feel myself […]


FIRE Fiatalok a részvételért Egyesület Finished in: 03/2020 | Customer: FIRE | Task: Logo, Flyer, Poster, Web Design & Development About the project Fiatalok a részvételért Egyesület (FIRE) is a Hungarian organisation located in Pécsvárad, the southern part of Hungary (Baranya County). The basic goal of the organisation is to support and provide professional assistance […]