Finished in: 2019 | Customer: Támaszpont MOPKA | Task: Web Design & Development, Logo and brand identity,
X-banner, Leaflet, Business card, Online event poster

About the project

The Public Youth House of Veresegyház, the Drug Coordination Forum of Veresegyház and the Logo Theater Company joint drug prevention theater education program.

The team of Te döntesz! wanted to pass on to the youth a hard, sad and deep feeling stemming from the consequences of drug use. The whole performance gives a really strong and tense feeling to the audience where at the end everyone understands why they should avoid this world. Drama teachers, drug police officers, actors and youth workers are working on the project.


My task of this project was to give back this deep feeling through the design. We chose the black color for the base together and I started to make the design.

The logo shows a tricky triangle where the viewer can choose whether the perspective of the triangle is near or far from ones – it is related to the name of the project “Te döntesz” which means in English “You decide!”.