Facilitation Academy

Facilitation Academy Finished in: 02/2020 | Customer: GYIÖT | Task: Web Design & Development About the project Facilitation Academy is an educational program of the Federation of Children’s and Youth Municipal Councils. This program aims to provide supervised learning process for participants with relatively lack of experience in facilitating group learning processes. I feel myself […]


E-teaching Finished in: 01/2020 | Customer: E-teaching | Task: Logo, Name card | Under construction: Web Design & Development About the project E-teaching is an initiative where young people can learn from entrepreneurs, teachers, students to complement their school subjects through online lessons. Sometimes in the form of tutoring, in some cases in preparation for […]


FIRE Fiatalok a részvételért Egyesület Finished in: 03/2020 | Customer: FIRE | Task: Logo, Flyer, Poster, Web Design & Development About the project Fiatalok a részvételért Egyesület (FIRE) is a Hungarian organisation located in Pécsvárad, the southern part of Hungary (Baranya County). The basic goal of the organisation is to support and provide professional assistance […]